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Showing posts with the label Using buyer's personas

Using buyer persona's to create content that drives conversion

Inbound Marketing:  Where content is king, & the buyer’s journey leads the way If you are a marketing professional, then by now you’ve heard about one of the most effective forms of marketing out there. Inbound Marketing isEasy Productive Has a way better ROI (return on investment) than traditional marketing formats Inbound marketing has a 60% higher conversion rate than other lead generation strategies And it’s far more brand friendly  In fact, it’s so effective that you won’t spend countless hours scouring the Internet, pounding the pavement, spending millions of dollars, or combing through the yellow pages to cold call potential customers. Finding high-quality leads for your sales team using inbound marketing strategy is kind of like going fishing…  Except with inbound the fish jump right into the boat for you!  Why you ask? Because with inbound marketing, your leads actually seek you out. They come to y...