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The Anatomy of Perfectly Curated Content

The anatomy of perfectly curated content-ContentCollective Marketing: #ContentCuration #ContentMarketing #BlogDesign
When contemplating creative content it is essential to know who it is you are trying to reach. Who are you speaking to? What is your ideal client? How old are they? What do they do? How do they go about doing it? Most importantly, why do they do it? In other words, what is it that truly motivates and inspires your dream client? Creating buyer persona's will help you answer these questions and guide your content creation efforts.

All these things come into play when deciding on the content you need to create in order to have the maximum impact and effect. You have to move them to action just as a fisherman lures in his catch with a subtle flick of the wrist, you too must also finesse the bait you’ve cast out into the deep dark internet ocean.

Visual content is most alluring and hard to resist. The average attention span of any client visiting your website is a mere 7-15 seconds. That’s not much time to captivate and wow your reader, so it is absolutely vital to have the right tools and plan of attack to urge them to strike. And once you’ve got them on the line then what? Just like the master angler you have to work the line just right or your audience will break free and disappear back into the murky deep from which they came never to be seen again. So how do we leave a lasting impression? How do we inspire the client to click through to the money spot?


Visually Appealing: It’s proven visual content such as intriguing photos or better yet, video gets a higher engagement & click through rate. The information should be presented in a clear, easy to follow format. Use of video, infographics, stat charts and other visual media increase engagement.
Informative: Good content should be both educational and entertaining. This is done through your brand storytelling. Know your audience & how to reach their interests.
Concise & Complete: Properly created content should be concise in length yet dense with information, organized and easy to read and assimilate. It should contain bite-sized, actionable solutions to a particular problem or pain-point. Again, you NEED to know your target customer. What are their learning & reading habits?
Personalized: According to an article on, consumers are willing to trade personal data for more personalized service. And 73% of consumers prefer to do business with companies & brands that personalize their shopping or learning experience. So it is essential to create content that is both complete & speaks to your client in a way that they identify with.
Consumer Friendly: This article on says that user-generated content is one of the most effective means of marketing. So give your readers the opportunity to respond. A/B tests, user surveys, and comment sections work well for this, and if you can solicit them, actual client testimonials work very well.

A guide to Creative Content Mastery-ContentCollective Marketing

So gather your information, figure out what it is your clients want. And reach them with maximum efficiency. Have fun with your design. It doesn’t have to be stressful or rigid. Let your brand speak to your clients & write the story you wish to tell. Happy creating!


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