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One Word for Writing Well

#WritingTips #Grammarly #AffiliatePost
If you want to create great posts, then you need a few key things. Grammar, spelling, originality, and cohesive writing. Education is key here, but for those who didn't major in English and work as their professors T.A. (as I did), there's an app for that.

Despite all my learning, I still use Grammarly to double check every blog post and article I write both for my own websites, and for my clients. It is literally the difference between content that converts and content that, we'll just won't. Good content hinges on the writer's ability to convey a sentiment, information, and/or emotion.

There are a ton of writing tools out there, but only Grammarly combines spelling and grammar check with a plagiarism checker and also corrects against odd-sounding sentence structure, over-used words, and misleading slang. It's quite simply the best thing to happen to the written word since spell check. 

Regardless of your writing prowess, Grammarly will play a key role in your writing career. Whether you write for school, for work, or for fun it is essential that your words speak to the thoughts you want them to.

Grammarly has a full suite of writers tools to help you in your content creation. I find these to be absolutely invaluable in my day to day work. And while, yes I am an affiliate with Grammarly, I would suggest using their services even if I weren't being paid to promote them. 

From simple spell check to advanced writing error checks and even a plagiarism checker, it is an absolute must-have for any writer or student. Try it there's even a free version.

Caveat Lector: This is a paid affiliate post for Grammarly Services.


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